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Must Read

Environmental issues

Instructions for use

Reset Admin Password

  • Enter the Fresns root directory in the terminal and execute the following command to reset the system administrator password.
php artisan fresns:reset-password

Viewing the Login Path for the Admin Panel

  • Enter the Fresns root directory in the terminal and execute the following command to view the panel information.
php artisan fresns:panel

Terminal Cache Clear

  • If you are unable to manage the cache through the administrator panel, you can clear the cache by executing the following commands in the terminal.
php artisan cache:clear     # Clear data cache

php artisan config:clear    # Clear framework configuration cache
php artisan route:clear     # Clear route cache

php artisan config:cache    # Clear and regenerate framework configuration cache
php artisan route:cache     # Clear and regenerate route cache

Released under the Apache-2.0 License